Sunday, February 11, 2007

Big SUVs

If you think big SUVs are going anywhere anytime soon in the US, I’ve got news for you. They’re not. If people are driving these obscenely large behemoths here in Chile where the average salary is much lower than in the US and gas almost twice as expensive, then gas prices will have to reach about $7 a gallon before, we see less of these vehicles on the road and a good public transport system begins to develop.

One interesting thing here in Chile is that you almost never pump your own gas. Usually there is a team of people ready to pump your gas, clean your window and take your payment as well as your tip at the end.


ami said...

Breathtaking and gorgeous. I loved the photos of the volcano at different times of the day and eve. And the cabins (all that wood!) were wonderful too! How did you all hear about such a perfect place? (thru Jorge?) How special that you all could go together. Did you all do lots of hiking? Really neat!

Hari Singh said...

Jorge (Sita's dad) found out about the cabins online.
We didn't really do that much hiking, we did all sorts of other activities though which I'll be putting up in future blog posts.