During our last week in Chile, we spent a number of days in El Quisco, a town on the beach.
At the house in El Quisco there is a membrillo (Quince) tree, here is one of the ripe fruits that I picked before we left.

The quince tree in front of the beach house.

The main street in El Quisco.

Sita getting one of our favorite Chilean foods that you can only get at the beach. These are churros rellenos, or stuffed churros, they're stuffed with manjar, the Chilean version of dulce de leche (caramel).

Sunset at the beach is beautiful.

A forest we had to tread through between where we parked and the beach we were visiting.

This is known as one of the nicer beaches hence it was crowded.

Heading back after some time in the sun and the freezing cold ocean.

Guess what I found on the way out. Yep, a stand that sold Churros Rellenos.

The other beach was a few kilometers away from El Quisco, this is the Quisco beach, we were surprised to find it so empty after the other beach being so crowded.

We went back to the cabin after our time at the beach and then ventured out again to watch the sunset.

Sita's brother Jorge, Sita and her dad Jorge Sr.

This is cochallullo (pronounced ko-chah-yoo-yoh), it's the Chilean name for this type of seaweed. You can find this seaweed everywhere including the market where it is sold as food.

I still had my hair down from the time at the beach, but I had to wear a hat so I couldn't get more sunburned, I think I look quite funny with a hat rather than a dastaar (turban).

We went to the beach near Pablo Neruda's house where there is not so much sand as there is an assortment of rocks, shells and, unfortunately, debris.

Jorge loves taking pictures, so I wanted to capture him taking a picture as I did with this shot.

This is a must-do activity while at a beach in Chile. It's a game called paletas. You take two wooden mallets and a tennis ball and you hit it back and forth between each other. Here we're playing it in the alleyway adjacent to the cabin.

Sita and I at the beach in Quisco.

Here we are in the freezing cold water. The currents of the Pacific in that region bring up cold water from Antarctica, so you really can't stay in the water too long.

The Jorges in the water.

One thing I wanted to capture while I was there in Chile was pictures of their cars since they have a wider selection of vehicles then we do in the US. This is a Russian made car called a Lada.

The drive between Santiago and the beach is very beautiful. These are some pictures from the drive back to Santiago from El Quisco.

About half way back we stopped and had lunch at a restaurant located in the middle of farm lands. It had a nice garden where Jorge took this picture of us.

There was heavy advertising for the upcoming Simpson's movie at that time in Santiago.

This is the central train station in Santiago. The rest of the pictures are just more views of Santiago that we saw on our way back from the beach.

This is the national stadium where Chile won 3rd place while hosting the world cup in 1962. It was built in 1938 and it's still the largest stadium in the country with a capacity of 65,000. It gained notoriety after being used by Pinochet to imprison and torture opponents in 1973.

The day we came back from the beach the air was clearer in Santiago and you could see the mountains clearly as you approached them.
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