After four exciting and adventurous weeks the time came for me to leave. The whole family accompanied me to the airport where we enjoyed a meal before I boarded a midnight flight home.
Amanda standing outside Jorge and Sylvia's house before we left for the airport.

Enjoying dinner at the airport.

Daniel and Luna may look caught off guard here because I was actually trying to get a picture of the waiter behind them, who's featured in the following two photographs as well. You know how people say they have a "twin" or a look-a-like somewhere else in this world. Well I thought this guy looked a lot like the mayor of EspaƱola,
Joseph Maestas, so I took some pictures of him to see if anyone else thought the same.

Amanda being unusually shy.

Sita saying bye to me (she left 10 days after me).

One last "act" from the kids, before I boarded the plane. They're so cute, aren't they?
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